Greenhouse Framework

Frameworks provide the support for the covering material. Hytasu design framework that are strong yet narrow enough to permit maximum light with the fewest shadows.

Most greenhouse frames are made from wood, aluminum, galvanized steel, and PVC. Which material is right for you depends a great deal upon where and how you will be using your greenhouse.


It’s durable, rust-resistant and lightweight—perfect for greenhouse construction. Aluminium won’t rust and as long as it’s cleaned periodically, won’t grow mold or other pathogens.

Galvanized steel

Galvanized steel structures can be strong, and if they’re powder coated will resist rust for many years. Galvanized steel is cheaper than aluminium, but will require a great deal more care, including periodic resurfacing, to keep it working like new.


PVC pipes are a cheap, quick way to throw up a greenhouse without too much stress. They can be bent into arches to create a structure that will shed water more easily or joined into a more traditional structure. PVC pipes make a lightweight structure, so should only be considered for temporary greenhouses and cold frames.